What is EDI?
EDI = Electronic Data Interchange. Learn why so many companies are using it and how to make it simple for your business.
Atadex can manage your company's most important partnerships
EDI can be complicated and dry. Atadex can bring the human side to a very complex relationship with your company's trading partners.
EDI is complicated. Hire Atadex to make it simple.
"If you cannot do EDI right away, you're going to have a tremendous lost opportunity cost. It could be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars." V.P. JT McGibbon explains how hiring Atadex can take a burden off your company's EDI compliance needs.
Need EDI? Make Atadex an Extension of Your Business
Matching your trading partners unique EDI requirements can be time consuming and costly. Atadex can come in and take that burden off your company. V.P. JT McGibbon explains how it all works.
Why hire Atadex? They make it "easier, faster, better."
Supply Chain Coach founder Tom French speaks at length about why he sends his customers with an EDI (electronic data interchange) requirement to Atadex.
How does Atadex differ from other EDI suppliers?
"It's more about, here, we know what you need. Let us show you how we do it." Supply Chain Coach founder Tom French talks about the Atadex difference.
What is it like when working with Atadex?
"They were on top of it 24/7." Tom French, founder of Supply Chain Coach, talks about the efficiency Atadex provides for his customers.
What do our customers have to say about us?
"They were on top of it 24/7," Tom French, founder of Supply Chain Coach, said of Atadex. Hear why Tom continues to refers his customers to Atadex to handle their EDI needs.
Employee Culture: How treating employees right pays off
Profits over people is not the Atadex way. We win as an EDI provider by treating employees well and giving them the recognition they deserve for the hard work they do.